01. ...
02. Alcohol and Necropunk
03. Hack
04. Mean World
05. Democracy Reset
06. Fascist Moron
07. Unattainable Ideals
08. A Matrix Made of Shit
09. Hope Stings Eternal
10. Archaic Beliefs
11. Trogalodyte
12. Calculated Tyranny
13. Delight in the Dying of the Light
14. In the Absence of Your Saviour
15. This World is Weakening
16. The Eulogy of a Crushed Romantic
Black Metal/Crust/Grindcore From U.K.
Tremenda Banda Es su Tercer Disco (De Ahi El Nombre
Creo Yo ... O No?), Preparense a Escuchar Esta Aberrante
Mezcla De Estilos!!!
"Fuck S.O.P.A. & P.I.P.A"
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