Vaginal Icecream:
01- Gorerotic Madness
02- Last Days of Virginity
03 - Meat Cunt
04 - Rectal Surprize
05- Menstrual Abyss
06- Raped Schoolgirls
07 - King Anus III [CBT cover]
Asshole Suckers:
08- Osennij kannibalism (preludia)
09- Rzhavyj silikoz
10- Penetratsiya tesakom
11- Razmen na rybe
12- Ispravlenie prikusa12- Ispravlenie prikusa
13- Simfoniya iz kishok
14- Spazmy gortani
15- Asshole Suckers - Plesen' na radiatsii
16- Sekta
17- Nekrosadist A. Chikatilo
18- Urinoterapiya
19- Mechty gurmana
20- Rastlenie maloletnih v dome dlya prestarelyh
Unlimited Madness:
21- Born To Be Pig
22 - An exhibitionist buying the bottle of vodka
23 - Ode about vodka
24 - Orgasm of alcoholic
25- I am drunk
26- Child's sadism
27- Glamour Anorexia
Pornogrind From Ukraine/Russia/Ukraine.
Buen Pero Muy Buen 3 Ways Split , Muy Buenas Bandas,
Otro Hacierto De "YO AMO LOS SPLIT".