Brutal Death Metal / Grindcore
01 Treehouse of Horror 01:45
02 Genetically Altered 03:04
03 Sadistic Desecration 00:46
04 Coalesing the Beast 01:20
05 Drugged Beaten Stabbed and Bled to Death 01:54
06 Vaginal Sludge 00:50
07 Dismenbered for Purification 01:28
08 Returning from Decay 03:24
09 Spontaneous Decomposition 00:19
10 Morbid Disinterment 01:33
11 Engorging Necropsies 02:01
12 Dead Flesh Sucks 00:12
13 Rise Above 02:26
14 Spawn of Malediction 03:10
15 Anatomy of Self-Carnage 03:39
16 Wonder Showzen - the Simpsons - Happy Happy Joy Joy 01:03
17 Meow Mix 01:13
DownloadComo Siempre Usa Tiene Muy WEnas Bandas,
Aki Si Ke Hay Chicharrones Cachen Cuanto Duran
Los Temas Aaarrrrggghhhh De Pelos.